Cardio Wellness

Tackling health
inequalities &
raising awareness

1.7 billion people globally are suffering from heart disease because of obesity

422 million adults worldwide have diabetes

CHD by itself is the biggest single cause of death in the UK

Tobacco smoking is one of the leading risk factors and each year an estimated 22,000 UK deaths from cardiovascular disease can be attributed to smoking

3.7 million deaths worldwide due to diabetes and high blood glucose each year

The Cardio Wellness organisation was specifically set-up to tackle health inequality and raises awareness and provides education and support to deprived, hard to reach communities on:

  • CHD
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Exercise & risks of smoking
  • Shisha and tobacco chewing

We have worked closely with the media and ITV and have highlighted these issues and raised awareness of childhood obesity, coronary heart disease, oral cancer, smoking, tobacco chewing and shisha use. In addition to working with communities at a grass root level, we provide training to healthcare professionals on reaching hard to reach groups, Shisha and tobacco chewing.

Health & Smoking information Videos:

Cardio Wellness has produced the following Health Videos:

‘Smoking’ videos courtesy of Australian Tobacco Control:

Diabetes - the facts

Click on the images below to see in more detail:

Cardio Wellness – Training for health professionals

Excellent training course – I will feel more confident to raise this with women and families that I meet.

More about our training for health professionals